Listening for God's Word
Hearing God’s Word involves spiritual sense. Jesus said, “having ears, hear ye not?” So it’s not the physical ear that hears God’s voice, but spiritual listening—a quiet tuning of thought to God’s infinite frequency, so to speak. In his extremity, Elijah heard the Word of God as a “still small voice”, not in the wind, earthquake, or fire.
When hearing God’s voice, the words we then speak are more in tune to His Word and ready to bless others. Words can’t separate us if we let God’s angels—His thoughts—do the speaking.
You are invited to learn more about this topic at our Testimony Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, at 7:30 pm (Central). It’s held in the Roosevelt Room at Brookdale of Glen Ellyn, 60 Nicoll Avenue. You can also join us by Zoom.