Hymn Sing and More
Join in the CedarS Camps hymn sing beginning Sunday, January 17, at 7:00 pm (Central Time) and for the next 7 weeks. A representative from the Longyear Museum will explain in depth one of Mary Baker Eddy's hymns. The remaining time will be spent singing hymns.
Everyone is welcome and you can access it via Zoom with the links below:
Hymn Sing Format: A prelude will begin at 6:45pm (Central).
Longyear Museum: A feature presentation on one of Mary Baker Eddy's hymns in order of their composition starts things off. Then, prior to the final hymn of each hymn sing, a representative from Longyear Museum will share five minutes of historical insights on what was happening in Mary Baker Eddy's life and the Christian Science movement at the time she wrote the poem.
We look forward to deepening appreciation and understanding of these hymns, both in how they reflected Mrs. Eddy's experience and how they continue to bring healing to our world today.
Zoom Hymn Sing Link:
Join here with one click (password embedded).
Meeting ID: 276 331 031
Password: 736307
Join by Phone (you'll need the Meeting ID and Password):
One-tap mobile: +13126266799,,276331031# US (Chicago)
Dial by your nearest location (if one of these lines is full, please try another):
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US (Maryland)
Meeting ID: 276 331 031 Password: 736307